Page 34 - YB1990
P. 34
Tied for third In a family of six children, Kate and Chris Covell are one set of twins on campus. Although they are very different, they have stayed close by respecting each other's interests. Though they are friends as well as sisters, their decisions 10 COme to WMC W€Te nol made tog€lher. Chris was attracted to th€ communications and theatr€ programs, and when Kate gave her a ride up to Ine campus, she j€n in love with it and decided to apply. Neither minds living right across the Qllad from the other. Family Ti~s T hink back to that first week at WMC. You were probably excited and nervous, but maybe a little lonely too. Maybe all you could think about here. Imagine bumping into your was how great it would be to see mom as you ran to class 15 min- a familiar face - one you had utes late. Or your roommate fail- lived with for eighteen years ing one of your dad's exams. Of Perhaps it was your favorite little course it is nice if you need a little sister, your dad that you always extra cash to do your laundry or play golf with, or even your dog. buy some non-Glar food. If you Whatever the case, you probably don't have blood relatives on Graduating from W.M.C. 50 year. apart, Missy Ridgely and her alumnus missed that person campus, you may still be in luck, grandmother are prolld to carry on th€ Some people don't have that since college friendships develop W€st€rnMaryJandtraditionintheirfam· problem at etl. Many of our stu- to the extent that you feel as if ily dents and faculty are related. your friends are really part of Several sets of brothers and sis- your family. You live together, ters are around, some of them eat together, go to class together, continuing in their families' tradt- and party together. Many pee- nons of WMC graduates. Cars, pIe, not just those who see their clothes, and phone bills are just a brother or their father every day, few things these siblings prob- feel that their family actually is ably share. Also, many members on campus making it home. of our faculty and staff have sons and daughters who are students Mary Beth Craig
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