Page 27 - YB1990
P. 27
Eating right COme8 ea8Y to H~p Pur. cell as he gels his vegetables from the salad bar Finding the alternative to Glar. P~t To fat or Not I wish this line weren't so long! I am so hungry! I usually try to make it to breakfast, but Ijust couldn't get to Glar before my 8:30 class today!" "I know, I'm starving' At least yours, you couldn't sneak by loday's Thursday - Pizza!" without paying to gel in. There "I think I'll head over to the deli were also special meals, at least line, Turkey and Provolone one per month, such as Carnival sounds good." night (complete with cotton can- dy), a Christmas dinner, and Sat. "l'll meet you guys at the table. urday lunches on the Quad I'm getting a burger and fries." Going to Glar, however, didn't necessarily mean eating. Some Most of us heard conversations went to grab fruit or ice cream like this every day as we took a and some went to check out who much needed break from classes was eating with whom; new "de to eat and socialize at the Englar velopments" and friendships Dining Hall, better known as were often first noticed at Glar. Glar. This year the staff had con- And some, though they may not tinued success with programs in admit u, just went to "scope." eluding the McGlar Bar, which of- For whatever reason, be it to fered burgers, hot dogs, and fish eat or not to eat, most of us spent sandwiches at all times, and the much of our lime at WMC inside usually well-stocked deli. The the doors (or waiting in line just new Val-a-Dlne cards, which will outside) of Glar. be a cash substitute in the pub, worked without problems at Mary Beth Craig Glar, but if you didn't have
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