Page 23 - YB1990
P. 23
The first college weekend: Michelle Glelen, Mark Tillm~n, and Val Heinlein Hungryfreshmen-LisaJones,Holly Vogel, Kevin Hanneman. and Tom Wood - reach for sweel toppings as they praise the Alumni Association for a great spread of Sundaes Fr~sh Opinion or me, Freshmen Orientation seemed childish and imma- ture at first. ! really couldn't believe that they all of the events, I met a lot of seriously expected us to follow a other people who felt the same schedule that looked more like way I did. Also, I had the Oppor- one for a kid's summer camp, tunity to meet upperclassmen than a college student's. I was through friends [ had made dur- also upset that I had to show up ing Orientation. It was great to early for school and miss the have a chance to talk to the up- Ziggy Marley concert for that per-clessrnen and learn about the nonsense with a bunch of strang- WMC social life, "GJarbage", the ers. administration, and how to have It was really wierd going to the fun on campus (which at the time initial meeting of "the group" I seemed impossible). was put in. Everyone was unfa- Most importantly, Orientation miliar and no one seemed very helped me a lot because it gave social, but the ice was easily me the chance to meet people on broken with the classic name campus before everyone else game. Soon we all went off on came back. Without Freshman our own to the activities. Orientation, it probably would Even though I wouldn't have have been much harder to make normally chosen to do the types friends in such an unfamiliar of things that were included in place. Orientation (except for seeing the Dutchman), [ still got some- - Kelly Kendall thing out of it. By par tlclpatinq in
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