Page 24 - YB1990
P. 24
It may be cool lind windy out. but Sara Williams thinks tt's a beaulif,tI day Hot or Not? N o one complained about the last warm days of September - the sunny afternoons were great for playing frisbee or Quad ball. In general, the Indian summer temperatures of eight degrees. days we had this year were well With spring came the Winds taken advantage of by those who and the rain so typical of Mary- like the fresh air. Of course, land weather. Being on the hill there were the days that were made the wind a little more no- just a little too warm. Football ticeable as hair, and sometimes, practices seemed to last forever notes from that morning's class when it was 85 or 90 degrees went flying. The rainy season, out. The dorms without air condi though kind of annoying because tioning got pretty stuffy, too. And it made golfing tough, gave us a if you somehow got the top bunk, chance to pull out our Sporto good luck breathing in that hot boots again and go mudsliding on air up there! the football field. When winter came, people be- Mother nature was not always gan 10 wish for those warm days kind to us natural disasters, Hur- again. Those first cold days in ricane Hugo and the California November weren't bad; it was earthquake, rocked the South, actually kind of fun to pull out including Charleston, South those favorite turtlenecks and Carolina, and the Santa Cruz sweaters. December had a bad area. These areas were devastat- cold spell just in time for finals ed both by damage and the shock week. But in our overheated, still of such disaster. With help from stuffy rooms, we managed. people allover the country, When the snow came, Glar trays those in need began to rebuild, mysteriously disappeared. A and the World Series went on, heat wave came in January and too. February and everyone had on shorts for Valentine's Day. And a week later we had record low wears contrast with innertubeslhat were used for sledding on the golf course
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