Page 31 - YB1990
P. 31
Doodling and taking notes at the same time, Erik Sianoc,eates his own masterpieces in the History of Western Ad Catching some ZZZZ's, Joey McClain takes a power nap during class Notabll! Notl!S otebooks for Art History, East Asian Philosophy, Freshman Composition, and Statistics always have one thing in com- mon: doodles in the margins. Every student, at least once, notes). Other less obvious es- has put a flower, face, or note to capes from note-taking were the person in the next desk sorne- writing letters and making lists of where in a notebook. While not things to do taking notes many passed the Probably the most common time by eatinq, cleaning out way 10 miss part of a lecture or bookbags, or even fantasizing an announcement for a quiz was, about the person three desks and always will be, daydreaming away. "I tallied the number of Better known as "spacing out," times he scratched his head," those brief (and sometimes very said Nona Green when asked long) moments of freedom gave how class was. Professors' hab- us the opportunity to think about its, usually an "Eh" or "Uhhh" what had been on our minds or during a lecture, were noticed about absolutely nothing. when the material got boring. Our classes weren't always If someone had stayed up all boring and we weren't always night or partied too much the tired, but we found plenty of night before, she would some- ways to amuse ourselves when times sleep the next day during the conditions weren't the best. class. If she hadn't pulled an all When we weren't taking notes, nighler, she might have been do- we sure were busy. ing work for another course (at Kimberly Hildebrand least itlooked like she was taking
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