Page 30 - YB1985
P. 30
n the middle of Jan. Term commuters comfortably in t ure, However, it enter- I temperatures dropped to bed. tained us for some time. We the low of SO degrees below The golf course hill was full made angels, snowmen, had zero with the wind chill tee- of energetic neighborhood battles, 'wiped out' and basi- tor. It was definitely winter kids who never tired nor got cally had a good time. and everyone of us felt it ev- cold enough to stop sled rid- The winter of 1984-85 was ery time we tried to walk out ing. Even W.M.C. students very different. The tempera- doors. The campus was a glis- found themselves stealing ture had been at so many tening white snow covered trays from the cafeteria and highs and lows that it seemed wonderland. Besides car heading out for a day of fun strange to be one season. As problems and slippery and excitement. The hill fac- spring started thaWing us out sidewalks the snow was a ing Baugher's restaurant was the "chill" started to leave. welcome sight. Students Westminsters' winter play- Once again the windows in didn't seem to mind when ground. dorms went up and the fans their reacher couldn't make For a while, the coldness slowly started turning. The it to class because of the was unbearable, making the big chill was gone - for an- weather conditions. Bad walk to class more a chore other year anyway. road conditions also. kept than a fun-filled snow adven- 26 Winter
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