Page 26 - YB1985
P. 26
Trivia Mania Green Teuor "Iron Team" go unde- featedl rivial Pursuit - The fun when collaboration T game that swept the en- could be used. Drinking tire country including West- games were also combined ern Maryland College. Blue with Trivial Pursuit for the boxes with gold imprinting not so serious players. started to pop up every- At the end of January where. Term, there was a contest of It was new, challenging Trivial Pursuit in the Pub. The and fun. Many found them- winners: Two Doctors and a selves seated on the floor kid from Jersey - Dr. Rich- maneuvering their "pie" to ard Carpenter, Dr. Sam Case avoid unknowledgable sub- and Joe Monteleone. jects. Some cheated and lit- The mania will pass just like erally studied the cards ques- Pee-Men, but the positive tions and answers, while oth- point of Trivial Pursuit seems G How many acres of land does the ers just quit when they got to be the use of knowledge W.M. C. campus (:Oller' frustrated. E What percentage joins a Greek social that you somehow never organization 1 The methods and vari- could believe you'd ever use. H Western Maryland College began as ations of the game were And now to win the game, a dream of what famous citizen of wide-ranged over the cam- Westminstetl pus. Teaming up in two's or answer this question: What AL How many boob are there in the do the Japanese call Japan? Hoover Library at W.M. c.t three's made the game more 22 Trivial Pursuit
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