Page 35 - YB1985
P. 35
MONDALE- FERRARO The '84 elections hit West- mer in the Pub to watch Elec- ern Maryland College in the tion Returns with Christanna middle of the Fall semester Nichols and Dr. Charles Neal. and students got caught up Whether involvement in in the political process along the political campaign was with the rest of the nation. active or inactive the 1984 For many it was the first election had a definite im- presidential election that pact on WMC and its stu- they could vote, so the' dents. "true" Americans made a As Ronald Reagan was trip home or sent absentee elected for his second term ballots to their home state and his new policies and and county. Others didn't ideas were publicly an- seem to be interested, and nounced, we started to real- were just annoyed by the ize that the effect of these constant interruption of things were hitting home their favorite television pro- and maybe it was time for us gram for debates, advertise- to become aware of what was ments or press conferences. going on around us. Po/itical Science majors Melissa Ambrose looks OVerher Hec- t;on Guide to decide who to vote for Reagan and Monda/Ii! debate a comro- versial issue (Artwork court"sy of Jeff Stebbins) BAT 9 a Year 3/ Election
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