Page 28 - YB1985
P. 28
It's Showtime! he women of Delta Sigma Kappa inhibitions. Unfortunately, the only T annually sponsored a contest con- member of the freshman class was un- sisting of WMC's "finest men". A repre- able to participate in this year's fun. sentative from each fraternity, an inde- At the end ofrhe evening, after many pendent, and a freshman all competed screams and encores, Ron "Don Ho" in swim suit, evening gown, and talent Carter captured the title of Mr. WMC. competitions. This year's contest First runner-up from last year, George proved to be unusually exciting be- Meyford handed down the crown to cause more showed as a result of lesser WMC's newest find. Barins a little. Belf! member Ron Carler $hOW5what u takes to be Mr. WMC. These two women, Terri Davi5 and Kathy Go/d500r- oughhos/edtheevening'5even/5andbytlleJookson their faces, had a great time ss did all who attended. 24 Mr. WMC
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