Page 21 - YB1985
P. 21
ANW third floor provided the winning float in rhe homecoming parade. win- ning $50.00 for their creation. The Phi Delrs ShOW/lOW(0 have a good time. andproll1ote Iheirspirir for homecoming during the pre-game parade. Not Just Any Saturday M id-month October new Physical Education Chambers, along with his meant more than fall the wife Alice, presented after that the traditional pre- setting upon us, to the West- Learning Center and shortly Homecoming Court to the ern Maryland Community game parade up "the hill" gathered fans. and alumni, Saturday the began. For students Home- The clock ticked away as thirteenth marked the 40th coming officially began as the terror football players Homecoming since 1904. they watched the Phi Delts fought hard for a 22 to 10 The day was filled with ac- crazily fall to the ground ev- Homecoming Victory to tivities to keep students and ery 50 feet, the miniature please the encouraging visitors busy. For alumni at- break dancers let loose, the crowd. rending, the day began with cheerleaders and Pom Pons Celebration to the fullest coffee hour at the Harrison squads scream cheers of vic- was the only thing left to end House. An Art Exhibition of tory, and the 1984 court roy- the day's activities. So the W.M.C. alumni and the an- ally pass by on their way to classes of '64, '69, 74, and '79 nual meeting of the Board of the field. re-established their college Governors followed. Late Scott 5. Hair Stadium was ties officially by remember- morning brought all gradu- packed full of enthusiastic ing 50 years of W.M.C. ex- ates back together under a fans. Families, friends and periences. tent on Harrison lawn for a colleagues collaborated and For students the night luncheon, while the present tailgate parties began con- plans were varied. Some student body began to sur- tinuing throughout the en- chose to dress-up, dine out, face and prepare for the tire game. and dance all night in the Fo- Homecoming King and Queen. John day's activities. The Home- Halftime brought the pre- rum, others just got together Rosenquist and Sue Cooke. make their coming Committee thought sentation of awards to Daniel to party the night away with way off the fieldafrer being crowned its efficient and timely con- Irvin Welliver 'SO for Alum- good friends. However the by President Dr. Robert Chambers. trot provided a well planned nus of the year and another night was spent, it was one and enjoyable homecoming to Katherine Blazer Wright Saturday tbet will be remem- in 7984. '74 for the Young Alumnus bered. At 7:15 p.m. dedication Service Award For the first ceremonies began for the time as president, Dr. Robert Homecoming n
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