Page 191 - YB1985
P. 191
Ifyou ___ What would we do with- out the maintenance crew to the smiling face of one of the take care of the things that crew! Always eager and will- need to be done, bur are of- ing to help to get the job ten overlooked. The mainte- done. The physical plant staff ~ ot' nance crew does so much to takes care of everything from a nice make our campus replacing a burned out light \"~ cutting the grass, keeping course. The fine efforts of ~0 \C~ place such as clearing the bulb to watering the golf after sidewalks a snowfall, the physical plant and main- neat the campus grounds and trim and many other re- tenance crews to make our lives comfortable more laugh at Yourself! pairs. Hardly a day goes by specially thanked. and should be recognized that you don't meet up with IK7 Decker Directory
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