Page 195 - YB1985
P. 195
If you _ What more could you ask lengths to get mail. Subscrib- for than having a campus ing to your hometown news- post office at your disposal. paper (which you never read For 22q:and a quick walk to while living at home), send- Decker College Center's ing your name and box num- post office, a letter home to ber to mailing lists, and last good old Mom and Dad is on but not least sending away the way. for free literature - any- "let's go check OUf mail- thing from 'skiing in Zimbab- boxes", one of the most wee' to '100 ways to peel a widely used phrases on cam- banana. ' pus. Bur, much to our dis- Behind the scenes, the may, the most used phrase post office staff sees that in- ended up being - "No mail, coming mail gets stuffed into again!" Getting mail is a big boxes, along with taking care No Mail againf Oh no! and students will go to all of outgoing delivery. thing to W.M. C. students, mail and intra- officemail Our dependable past otttce staff, Irene Yaung. Esther Griffith. Libby Long. and Phillip McClain. junior. Wanda Sparrow. walks to her mailbox - wishing for some mail. Decker Directory 191
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