Page 189 - YB1985
P. 189
One of the nicest conve- Everyone troops down to the If you n~~d niences of college life is hsv- If you ar~ bank and a line of CWS stu- 0 ing your own private bank (0 dents forms, ready to deposit right on campus. Located in their checks to replenish r.:> Decker College Center, their accounts. x: across campus from ., Union National Bank pro- ~ vides W.M.C. with friendly This year the infirmary (0 ~~~ bank ing services. ~,~o_, moved Infirmary to its 0 _. Thompson The first week of school new home in Decker College ~~Q; ~«:, the freshmen line up to open ~~Q; known as the Student Health ., their checking and savings Center. The infirmary is now ~~~ accounts which will be faith- Services. The full-rime nurse, fully withdrawn from every Friday for the next four years! ~'l>~ Marlene Clements, checks (0 r.:> With weekly withdrawals, sc- medical attention and sets up .... students over of in need counts dwindle away rapidly. But relief is in sight, the tors. She has also instructed ., 0 with the doc- appointments month is almost over and S~~ college work study checks birth control classes. tC Withdraw $ are just around the corner. th~ Nurs~ At 5'(Xlp.m., Stacey Bradley rushes down the steps to the infirmary to catch tile doctor before she leaves partkipated in the prosram with WMC healtll services. Decker Directory rss
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