Page 196 - YB1985
P. 196
in her bed with a good ro- mance novel. Ellie, their cat, usually was first to jump in ~OWl~ Sweet ~OWl~ 9 bed with her. Besides the time factor, Dr. Nestled in the center of stop' for us sometimes too." old daughter is a senior at Chambers feels he has land- W.M. C. campus is the presi- Dr. Chambers wife, Alice, Westminster High School ed a good job. A family man, dent's house. Only rarely did busied herself with social and Grant is an eighth grader yet a serious advocator of the students distinguish it in luncheons, playing hostess at the junior high. Grant education, Dr. Robert Cham- any other way. But for Dr. whenever called upon, at- seems to be the computer bers began his service as and Mrs. Chambers and their tending benefits, and any- nut of the family and takes president during the 1984-85 family the difference was thing else to fill the title of full advantage of the systems school year. more than apparent - this Mrs. Robert Chambers - on campus. On the other was to be their new home, the President's wife. hand, Lisa could find pure In his tevorite ch~ir in the study. Dr new city, new state, and even Lisa, Dr. Chambers 18 year enjoyment from curling up Ctunubers finds some rime (0 get SOme new lifestyle. How many enterr~ining re~ding done. times have your neighbors been 1200 college students? It took some work to get the house in order and com- plete the remodeling. Al- though they moved in to the house in September of '84, things were not officially fin- ished until mid-October. Not only was the Cham- bers' family in the middle of everything geographically, but also in almost every other aspect of their lives. Social engagements, business meetings and school activi- ties kept all four on different time schedules. A once un- planned family togetherness now had to be carefuffy scheduled. "The kids are getting used to eating TV dinners once in a while," Mrs. Chambers commented, "And McDon- aIds has become a 'quick 192 President
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