Page 156 - YB1979
P. 156
Jazz Ensemble The Jazz Ensemble is di- rected by Alumnus Jerry Mill- er. This year the group per- formed at area schools and in the Forum, playing a large va- riety of popular tunes from the Big Band Era, along with cur- rent music. Row 1 - Jim Grove, Jay Graff, Chris Tranchitella; Row 2 - Keith Patterson, Jerry Miller, Debi Sunderman. KME Kappa Mu Epsilon exists to further the interest of math- ematics, to help students real- ize the important role math- ematics have played in his- tory, to develop an appreci- ation for mathematics, and to recognize outstanding achieve- ments in its study. The chapter meets monthly, and new mem- bers are inducted twice yearly. They hold several social events during the year in- cluding and banquet and pic- nic. Officers include President Jeff Gates and Corresponding Secretary Dr. James Lightner who is also the National Presi- dent of Kappa Mu Epsilon. Row 1 - Terry Ryder, Jeff Gates, Pat Holt; Row 2 - Brenda Eccard, Dr. James Lightner, Cary Noll, Barry Whiteley, Nancy Maitland. 152
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