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wx Psi Chi is the National Honor Society in Psychology. The West- ern Maryland College chapter was formed in 1974. In order to be considered for membership, candidates must be in the highest 35% of their class in general scholarship and must have dem- onstrated superior scholarship in psychology. The purpose of this organization is to advance the science of psychology, and to en- courage, stimulate, and maintain scholarship of the individual members in all fields, particu- larly in psychology. To this end, Psi Chi sponsors various activi- ties throughout the year in- cluding fund raising, partici- pation in the annual May Fair, and special films and speakers of Row 1 - Liz Pemberton, Keith Slifer, Elise Shurie, Amanda Walker, Roger Baer, Gretchen Frye, Jon particular interest to students of Hackburth; Row 2 - Kathy Shaver (President), Karen Dubach, Howard Orenstein (Faculty Adviser), Steve psychology. 1978-1979 Chapter Steele. Officers are: President, Kathy Shaver; Vice-President, Jill Brooks; Secretary, Karen Dubach. IIrM Pi Gamma Mu is the na- tional honor society for so- cial science students and faculty. The purpose of the society is to improve schol- arship in the social scien- ces, to inspire social service to humanity, and to engen- der sympathy towards oth- ers with differing opinions. Membership is open to jun- iors and seniors in the up- per 35 percent of their class who have a B average in the social sciences with at least 20 hours. Row 1 - Amy Turner, Myra Birchard, Karen Clark, Carolyn Kelly, Mike Modica; Row 2 - Dr. David, Mike Cantrell, Debbie Petterman, Kathy Louis, Gretchen Frye, Steven Anuszewski, Denny Hoye Row 3 - Dr. Darcy, Dr. Law, Carol James, Kathy McMann, Charles Der, Dave Moskowitz, Ralph Price. 155
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