Page 152 - YB1979
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Circle K Circle K is a students' action organization sponsored by Ki- wanis International. Some of its activities include fund rais- ing projects for national and local charities, such as UNI- CEF, the Heart Fund, and the Dance Marathon for the Mary- land Association for Retarded Citizens. Circle K is also in- volved in community projects such as Meals on Wheels. Its theme for 1978-1979 has been "Embrace Humanity". Row 1 - Adele Wortman, Row 2 - Elise Shurie, Melba Biedermann, Karen DeSantis, Paula Denison, Kathie Harbaugh, Debra Stock] Row 3 - Daw~ Lufburrow, Betsy Wallace, Karen Love, Pam Owens. Contrast Contrast is the college liter- ary magazine, designed to en- courage literary activity on campus. Established with the highest ideals of good taste and literary ability, Contrast publishes both writing and ar- twork. Submissions are ac- cepted from writers on and off campus. Editor - Linda Migl. Row 1 - Ralph Preisendorfer, Linda Migl, Ann Hackman, Beth Braden, Karl Bugenhagen; Row 2 - Rick Roecker, Lee Maxwell. 148
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