Page 100 - YB1965
P. 100
NANCY JANE LOCKWOOD FRENCH-MATHEMATICS.EDUCATION Choir 1,2; Argonauts; Junior Follies; SNEA 4; French Club 2,3,4; Canterbury Club J; IRe 4; Girls' Intramurals 1,2; Delta Sigma Kappa. "Nance". . Semester at the Sorbonne ... Zut.alors! . Dang it! . _ . Babysitter for a former French President's grandchildren ... Christmas in Vienna, New Year in Buda- pest. . Loves everything that's French ... Blanche Ward's weighing station Waters her philodendron with tea and orange juice Favorite combination-black hair, blue eyes and a white MG B.B.-her furry friend ... At- tracted to U. of Md. on weekends . Math department's "problem" child. LUCINDA MARIE LONG FRENCH·EDUCATiON SNEA 1,4; French Club 1,2,3,4; Young Republicans 1,2,3; Junior Follies; Phi Alpha Mu. "Cindy". . Cin O.c. life guards and National Guards ... Paris, almost "I want to do something exciting!" . "Parlez-vous francais?". . "I don't have a thing to wear" . Lost her luggage in Washington ... Has been known to take an afternoon nap ... Bottles, posters, and rings ... "1 love Raleigh in the Spring" ... June Week at Beverly Beach ... Homestead Club ... Always goes to breakfast-once a year . . . Pink champagne in 210 . . . "You haven't heard of Sharpsburg?" . Would rather wait tables than teach. ROBERT A LOVE ENCLISH-EDUCATION Trumpeter; GOLD BUG 1,2,3,4 (News editor 3, Editor-in- chief 4); Argonauts (President 4); Junior Follies (Co- author and Co-director); Student Life Council 3,4; FAC; College Players 2,3,4; French Club 1,2; Classics Club 2,3; SNEA 2,3,4; Publications Board 3; English Club 3,4; Phi Alpha Mu. "Bobbf" June 20, 1 hope. Organization 201, 301, 401 The Russians are coming ... Bachelor rusher __ . Only four days 'til the weekend .. _ Weekly welfare packages. __ Eloise Cramming? .. _ You've never "Now, who messed up my side of the heard of Lonaconing? Pookie 2,3,4 ... Paid seventy- room?" five dollars for Phi Alph bid Never late. 96
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