Page 54 - YB1965
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William 1. Tribby. A.B .. A.M. Assistant Professor of Dramatic Art and English Esther Smith, Diploma, Teacher's Certificate. Joseph R. Bailer, B.S., A.M., Ph.D_ Associate Professor oj Dramatic Art Professor of Education (Head of the Education Department) Virgil Sherwood, A.B., Ed.M. Assistant Professor of Education DRAMATIC ARTS DEPARTMENT Miss Smith and Mr. Tribby, to whom all is owed ... He, nimble, grey overalls running from stage left to stage right, tugging at scenery, wielding a brush or hammer when needed . . . Never let it be said that he asked anyone to do what he would not do himself .. "Oh, really (snark, leer, ho-ho}" ... Even a playa day, two papers, and absurd tests. She, frail flower of the illusive art. Her gentle insistence and delicate constitution shame even the lazy into producing. . Little aproned fig- ure huddled with script and flashlight in an ob- scure corner backstage, never seeing one of her plays until this year with the advent of the two- night run. Theron B. Thompson, E.C.E., B.S., C.A.G.S., Ed.D. Assistant Professor of Education EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Think professionally. "Certificated, not cer- tified" . It's all a matter of semantics ... Swing- ing seminar where you raise yonr hand to make each point ... "Well, yes, that seems to be a very pertinent qnestion and can be significantly added to our outline" ... Paper cutting 413 and the ephemeral file. . "Speak up, and please clarify that statement" ... SNEA: Shine Necessary Extra Apples. Sara E. Smith, A.B., A.M., Ed.D. Professor 0/ Education 50
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