Page 52 - YB1965
P. 52
t, :V..~ /C ..~'.-".1Z.r.:::- ' . ~ \~ ., "¥~ John D. Makosky, A.B., A.M., Ed.D. Professor of English, Head 01 the English Department Helen C. Howery, B.S., A.M., Ed.D. Associate Professor of English Evelyn W. Wenner, A.B., A.M., Ph.D. Professor oj EngliJh ENGLISH DEPARTMENT Cherry Blend and Tweed .. "I really shouldn't have bought this text of Byron, but" . . . Ancient Mariner a [a Burton, English tea ... "Just to men- tion one critical work" . Spring recess with lohn Milton ... "The proper study of man- kind is Man" ... "What fools these mortals he!" ... Boswell Raymond C. Phillips, r-. A.B., A.M. in a weekend. . "Shoures Assistant Professor of English soote??" Vindicate the ways to English majors. 48
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