Page 50 - YB1965
P. 50
ART DEPARTMENT After having long been cramped in the small quarters of the Art House and now permanently located in the old li- brary building, the Art Department can at last enjoy its proper perspective. Art class rooms, galleries, nooks and crannies for the temperamental to create in privacy . Expanding and developing to still greater dimensions . Collections from death masks to works of contemporary Maryland artists ... The big four-Elaine, Dennis, George (Yuri), and Mara-present their masterpieces . . . "VeIl, I tink you are a C student, but you may get a B." Mary 1. Shipley, A.B. Associate Professor of Art, Head of Art Department Ervin 1. Szilagyi, LL.B., B.S., Jur.D., B.F.A., Assistant Professor of History of Art Gerald E. Cole, B.Mus., M.Mus. Associate Professor of Music, Head Music Department Miriam K. Whaples, A.B., M.Mus., Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Music
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