Page 79 - YB1963
P. 79
MAHSHA FINLEY I-IOOVEH Psychology - English phi, Alpha Mil 3, 4;,ALOHA; GOLD Bee I, 2; MS/ld 1,4; UCCF 2, 3; 7/Hraml.lral Sports 1, 2, 3, 4; Jl/l1IDr Follies. "Marsha" .. Two years squashed into three months .. Better stop laughing so hard .. Only her hairdresser knows _"When You \Vish Upon A Star" . Lots of experience-as a waitress, that is ... Breakfast at Colonial's . Head-runner Biggest dust collection on campus Procrastination Club .. A Girl Crows Up. GERALDINE TTIENE HOPKINS English - Education Della Sigma. Kappa 2, 3, 4; ALOHA (Section Editor); GOLl) BUG 3,4; Conterbury Club 1, 2, 3, 4 (Vice-President 4); French Club 1; SEA 1, 3, 4; Artists Anonymous 3; IV/lior Follies. "Jerry" ... Ye Fathers. Jerome jeneramr. . Audio-visually handicapped .. YaH come to Rock Bottom ... Flute-a-phoney .. Habitual abode-the library. "Guess whet-J have a new crush!" Needs a screen to sleep at night. DAVID HUGH HUJ\,IPHHEY Sociology Canuna Beta Chi 2, 3, 4; fFC 3; Felix Woodbridge Morley Memo- rial. Award 1; SGA 2, 3, 4; HOllOI' Court 4; Siudellt Leadership Conference; lI'1ell's Council 2, 3, 4; DOl'll! Councd. 4; Choir 1, 2; SCA 1; LSA 2, 3 (Vice-Presidell/" 2); l turcunurai Sports 2, 3, 4; [uniar Follies; Class Officer 1, 2, 3, 4 (SCA Represenlatice 1, President 2, 3, 4); FAC. "Dave" ... Uncle Dave and Auntie Helen . "S,lY, now!,' .. "Hey, Wayne, the party is in. oll.r room!" .. Class President- personified. ยท'Hump:: ... Midnight serena~er ... ~'.Ianchester'~ ollly city planner.. . See these socks, got em 111 high school. . Four-year stint in the Air Force May 25, 1963, is the big day.
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