Page 78 - YB1963
P. 78
CAROLYN GRACE HOECKER English - Education Delta. Sigma Kappa 2, 3, 4; Argolllluts 3, 4; Beta Bela Beta 1, 2, 3; United Stales History Award 1; ALOHA (Lay-oul, Editor); GOLD Buc 1, 2, 3 (News-Feature Editor 2, Co-News Editor 3); CON- 'r:l~~'1~3(ti~;_~;~;;:~Ye:;/~t)/·tkc~/'eJ1ChClub 1, 2, 4; SEA 4; TRC "Carolyn" 'TIllSone's Just .1 h lend' "London is my second home" ... 'I m gomg to take ,1 nap' •Does this go In the GOI D BUG, the ALOllA, 0] Coxmxsr?" Organization personified . Calm, cool, and collected ... Staunch supporter of the JRC . Compiled own history of art hook Blushes easily. }..IIARGAHET ANN HOEY English - Education ~~/iI:'l~~h~I(~:t9;~II':'2:p~;J~I~~~::12~;i~~:"~,~)(&~~~,[~tij~~~~' 3,4; [unior Follies; FAG. ;~~l~~y~'.'"w~~w~~b,o:~i~l~n,~D" Ben~lt;~\~~~~e.. ~;~~YT~~i;; gained eighteen pounds!" ... Chipmunk cheeks. Captain Hook "Who took my cat?" . The House. JUDITH ANN HOFF~t(AN English - Education Delta. Sigma KapP(I 3, 4; GOLD Buc 3; lunior Follies. "judy'". . "Hofhnaninoff" ... "Honesty is my best fault" ... S'anks . The girl behind the smile in the office.. Artist of the understatement ... Member of the contacts club. Perle Meste of second floor McDaniel.
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