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'The couotdoum lws beg!m!" "\VIIilI do !l0!! meaH-flosses aren't held iH here?" WTLLTAJ\'I EDWARD CHAl'vIBERS, ITT Economics Della Pi Alpflll 2, 3, 4; Soccer Teate 1, 2, 3, 4; lntmmura]. Sports 1, 2, 3, 4; Junior Follies. 'Billy" "Crash" .. Left with real bang junior year ... Hight Footed left" mg ... Hit hard and often by Price's red pen ... Pierre Gourmet of the dining hal! . Shor' boy who became known .. "This year I'll find a girl!" ... Variety is the spice of life ... All-Tavern 62-63. . AAA safe driving award. GERALD FHEDERlCK CLARK, JH Political Science :;~:'~:'a~~I}~/)/i(1~~l'~A~' ~~;lliel~1~~:(/bE:;(1t'I~:1l3;34;Cf.~r,.~~f;o~~~::~ (Mal/agel' 2, 3, 4); Lettermen's 'Club 4; lnirasnural S,JOrfs 1, 2, 3, 4; lunior Follies. "J. c." . Has a fondness for beauty queens ... Lacrosse all-star One of Frank's boys .. Looks out For the boys on the tennis team ... Resigned from the DTT Club. , . Little Tom Hayes "Be Good." CAHOLYN VIHG1N[A CONKUNG English - Education Phi. AlpJw A'111 2, S, 4 (AIIIIIl1Ii Secretary 3, Yearbook Editor 3, President 4); lSC 4; Student Leadership Conference 4; ALOHA (Section. Editor); COLD Boo 1, 2; CONTHAST 3; Publications Board 3,4 (Secret(lry 3); l ntramurai Sports 1, 2, 3, 4; Preeidents: Club t Co-Chatrma» 4); SEA 3, 4; [unlor Follies (Writer, Assistant Director). "Conk" Conk Creative . Diamonds, pearls, and amethysts .. "I'm a lonesome crocodile" ... The most in-it, out-of-it person on campus ... "They love mel" . Sneakers in the snow . Personal friend of Tully's sister . Crud Avenue Affected accent ... The House. 57
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