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CAHOLYNE ANNE BHECKENIHDGE English - Education Delta Sigm(l Kappa 3, 4 (Corresponding Secretary 4); Colle_ge rim/ers;), 4; IntramrlraZ Sports 3, 4; SEA 4; French Club 1; lunior Follies. "Lyne" ... "Clyde" .. Sings "Somebody Loves Me" in the bath- tub. "You lie" .. Has a double dislike for camels ... Volley- ball star .. Small-size Delt sporting huge size pin.. Led Bachelor pledges to movies ... "Rub my back". . Bruises easily ... Under masonic order Member of the "Troops" Devoted fan of "Bailerism." JAMES CRISPIN BROOKE History Aipfw Comma Tal/. 2, 3, 4; Newman Club 4 (P·resident. 4); Reli- giolls Ufe Council A; Hono·r Guard: 1; Track Team 1; Intramural Sports 1, 2, 3, 4; YOllng Republicans 2, 3, 4 (Co-ClllIinnan 2, Treasurer 3); IlIllior Follies. "Jim" .. Heturned after sabbatical Sometimes seen at pnrttes and at the tavern ... Learned to play bridge durmg exam week . Reformed study boy . V~T Future diplomat, banker, and social philosopher. Cant face the world WIthout coffee LAHHY BROWN Sociology Alpha Gamma Tau 4; Football Team 4; Track Team 3, 4. "Larry" . Four years+one to go ... Soc. has its advantages .. Wised up after three years at Marylund . . Summer School back- campus .. Cat lab=postaygapophy what? . Old Testament, New Testament . "Hey, Clawsey, how ya work this one?" . Fords and Chryslers . Derman favorite subject at Maryland Still behind. 54
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