Page 62 - YB1963
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DOUGLAS RICHARD CARTER Biology - Pre-Forestry Pi Alpha. Alp!w 2, 3 (Secretary 3); eeiĀ« Beta Beta. 3; Student Leaders")ip Conference 2; Men's Glee Club 1; Honor Guard 2; ROA 3; Track Teml/. 2; Rifle Te(lln 2; l ntramural: Sports 1; Class SGA Bepresetuouoe L "Doug" Smokey Bear in kilts .. Songleader(?) of Pi Alpha Alpha's Beta Chapter nt Duke . Gung ho-took on the Pentagon to stay in ROTC ... Now, cut that out" ... "Cindy, Oh, Cindy" First forester from WMC Started with "Farina," now drives the "Rebel", . "Tinkerpot." HOWARD SAMUEL CASE Physical Education - Education Delta Pi Alpha. 2, .'3, 4 (Sergealll.-al-Arms 3); Beta Beta Bela 2,3,4; SGA (Vice-Presidellt 4); Student Leaders'lip Conference 3, 4; tHen's Leadership Society 3, 4; Student Life Council 3, 4; Dorm Councu:A; GOLD BUG 3, 4 (Adr;ertising Monager 3; Business Manager 4); Publications Board 3, 4; Football Team I, 2, 3, 4 (Coach 3,4); Track Team 2; Wrestling Team 1, 2, 3, 4 (Captain 2; Coach 3, 4); IIl/HIIlHIrol S1JOrts 1, 2, 3, 4; Lettermen's Club 4; [unior Follies; FAG. "Sam" . , . Spent one memorable semester being tamed. Hails from Three Bridges, New Jersey. . Hates cold weather . Came up with weak head and had to go to work for Wob ... HOTe Colonel, retired ., Spends more time in extra-curricular activities than studying. MARYLOU ELVIHA CASTRONOVA Physical Education - Education Della Sigma. Kappa 2, .3, 4 (Social, Chairman 4); SGA 1; Neioman Ctub 3, 4; \V AA 4; lntramurat Sports 1, 2, 3, 4; SEA 4; [unior Follies. "Lu Lu" Giggles. Has a way with words . Hairstylist . . Badminton champ ... Early to bed . . Same roommate for four years .. Always ready to go somewhere. Party time is all the time ... "Oh, I get so nervous" .. Special interest in Law. "'f!iisismurtlcket!"
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