Page 61 - YB1963
P. 61
EBIC LAND BUCKNER Political Science Della Pi Alphll 2, 3, 4 (Treasurer 3,4); ALOHA; FOOfbnll1'ealll 2,3,4; Lettermen's Club 3,4 iTreasurer 4); Young Republica/ls (Sergeant-af-Arms 3, 4); luntor Follies "Lanny" . Member of S. P. Spencer's Den .. Always assigned room near 'Nob on away trips. . Knees tend to turn in to a common point ... Only member of football team with helmet i.nsignia shaped like Star of David ... "We're only going to play for an hour and then I've got to study" . Croat balancer of the books-even when they don't quite balance. JACK THOMAS BUTTIMEH Sociology Pi. Alpll(l Alpha 2, 3, 4 (Recording Secretary 3, President. 4); IFC 4; Bond 1, 2, 3, 4 (Presidenl. 4); Wesleymls 3, 4 (Presidell/" 4); Religious Ufe Counctt 4; Illtr(lllll.lml Sports 2, 3, 4; Presidenls' cu« 4; French Club L "The Brow" .. Week-end studfer . Likes the "Knight" Life ... Frequent visits to Ohio Wesleyan .. Boomed with "the Bishop" Last of the "Sophfsticats" .. Big brass in band ... Sax and sex. . Hard to believe, but a pre-Right. . Alpha of Black and Whites. JUDITH NOHMA CALLAHAN Biology Phi. Alpha M 1.I 2, 3, 4; Argo"/lauts 3, 4; Beta Beta Beta 2, 3, 4; Homecoming Cour/ 4; M(JY Court :3; ROTC Sponsor 4; [unior Follies. "Judi" . Beauty and brains ... Study hours stout at midnight Constantly eating, yet it never shows.. Graces beauty courts Spends most of her time haunting the labs of Lewis Hall .. Neatness personified ... "I could dance all night" .. F,\shion conscious ... 169. "Honest, l necer p!l1!/edthegome before." "Strike up the b(mdl"
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