Page 160 - YB1961
P. 160
BARBARA JANE HASTINGS Mathematics - Education . Thinks most things arc really "tamasucat" Ambition to have long hair Lists, lists, lists. Mourns lor her Corvau At rimes known to look like a spaccman Frequently seen "climbing" the door . Willowy figure Eyebrow lifter Hates to get up in the morning Frequeruly seen writing' letters. BARBARA JEAN HEFLIN English - Education .. Dean Howery's girl Fri. "what a beautifu.l day! .. Last to leave the dinner "Have to start exercising again." ... Four year room. mate plan. "Oh, two years isn't too long, they say." . "Sorry, doesn't fit in my schedule." ]\"IARGARET JEAN HERRING Home Economics - Education HOllle Economics Club 1, 2, 3, 4 (Vice-Pl'esident 1); S.E.A. 3, 4; Phi Alpha Ml/.; .I{1prlllese Project I, 2; [unior Follies; ALOHA (Co-Alumni Potion ivlfllwger). "Peggy" . "Pegs" . Takes many a sbowah before suppah .. Loyal Gamma Bet gal .. Everything'S blue. "Behave or you'll embarrass me!" ... Trading Howard johnson's for a Cold-ring. "Don't do rhnt ape act in front of mel" I've got to stoody . Loves Managemellt House . Once went to breakfast ... Neatness personified,
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