Page 48 - YB1960
P. 48
RICHARD STAUNTON HASTlNGS History - Education Pi Alpha Alpha; Le Cercie Francais I, 2; Choir I, 2, 3, 4; l unior Follies; S.E.A ..2, 3, 4 (Co-P.rogram.Clwirman4). "Dick" ... "Ahso' .. Lives in his own dream world.. Pinochle fiend as a freshman, but graduated to Bridge in sophomore year . Real gone on jazz ... Famous in Jolly Giunta role . Caught in cloudburst while leaving ANW second floor via rope .. "1 must make my lesson plans for dear old education." MAHY ALICE HENDREN English Iota Canuna Chi (Secretary 2); Contrast 2,3 (Poetry Editor 2). Poet laureate of W.M.C. .. Soft spot in her heart for kittens . After graduation may head for Florida-and other sunny climates ... "Advantage?" of being a professor's daughter . Soft-spoken Hangs scarf in day room. DONALD JOSEPH HESTER Economics Pi Alpha Alpha (Vice President 4); Le Cercle Francais I, 2; AJe"/J's Glee Club 1,2,3; R.O.A. 3, 4; Canterbury Association 1, 2; Intra- mural. Sports 2, 3, 4; Junior Follies. "Get me three ounces of muk.muk!" . Bohemian par excellence ... Last of Oden worshippers ... Pays regular visits to Greenwich Village Claims to have half-brother in fraternity. Has had more roommates than anyone on campus . Only man on campus with real traffic light in room
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