Page 53 - YB1960
P. 53
MARGARET ANNE KEELER Latin - English - Education Sigma. Signw Tau. (Sullshi,ne Messenger 3); S.C.A. 2; L.S.A. 2; Le Cercle Francais 2; Classics Club 2; S.C.A. 4; IIlcDanie/. Donn President 4; S.E.A. 4; Junior Follies; Student Leadership Confer- ence 4. "Marge" . Absolutely the most disorganized person ... Quiet everywhere but in the dorm ... Rules the roost in McDaniel ... A pro in Uncle Bill's department ... Confidante of McDaniel's freshmen. . Veteran of summer in Ocean City. . Keeps her Sigma dog on the Boor Has a mania for being late. ALDYTH DONNA KING Sociology Sigma Sigma. Tau (I.S.C. Bepreeentattce, Sergeant-at-arms 3); Band 1, 2; Student Life Councttss.A, Class Vice President 3; S.C.A. (V-ice President 4); S.C.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Canterbury Association. 1, 2, 3,4; Blanche WOl'd Donn Councuo, P.A.C. 2; Gold Bug 3 (Man- f};;~l!;S~~~I~r); lunior Follies; l unior-Senior Prone Co-Chairmen, "ADK" Wolfang Brunhilde finally arrived one month late Has biggest can opener in history ... Listen!1 ... Has been ~no\~n to talk to Harry and ltzie .. Jack of all trades-master of quite a few. Cave-dweller "Boobtsm." KENNETH THEODORE KINTER English - Education Cmnma Bela. Chi (Secretary 3); lntramuml Sports 1, 2, 3, 4; Soc- cer 2, 3,:4; College Players 3; ALOHA4. "Ted" "Fritz" .. Rooms with a Gamma Bet, two Bachelors, and a pheasant . GBX's intramural athlete of note .. Started soccer games until his senior year .. Has a "classic profile" ... "But I always clean the room.". . "Fred, isn't baldness heredi- tary?" .. Hates to leave his mother's good cooking. Conscien- tious objector who really objects.
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