Page 46 - YB1960
P. 46
EVANGELINE JUNE GRIM Music - Education Delta Sigma Kappa; Delta Omicron 2, 3, 4 (21ld Vice President, Historian 3, 1st Vice President 4); S.C.A. 4; M.S.M. 4; Sunday Fel- lowship Choir 1, 2; ,\Vesleyol1eHes 1; Choir 2, 3; Women's Glee cu» 1, 2, 3, 4; Tudor Singers 3; Junior FoUies; SEA 3,4. "Evangeline" One of the music department's three musketeers Anchovies, anyone? .. P.K. who finally made S.C.A. in her senior year ... Plunked the bass in the Junior Follies .. Hen- pecked her roommate for three years "Where's my tea bag?" Temperance gal at the champagne party Asphyxiated by smoke. EDWARD JOHN GROSS Chemistry Camm«i Beta Chi; S.C.A. 3; Junior Follies; ALOHA 4 (Associate Editor). "Ed". . House Mother of room 432 "Like four's a crowd," Member of the "Listen" lingo. . Classes start late and end late .. Strictly opposes Saturday classes. Majors in chemistry, minors in home ec. , .. Hibernates in Lewis Hall, Srd floor. Tons of clothes Red and Blue forever JOAN TEPHABAUGH HAMILTON English - Education "Joan", . Another one of the many Mary Muldoon fans .. Lucky enough to practice "meeting the needs of youth" just a few blocks from her own horne .. Kept a happy home while she worked toward her degree Got her M.R.S. degree ,1 few years before her B.A.
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