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DAVID K. GAMDER Physics Call1llw.Beta Chi; Le Cercie Francais 1, 2; lntmmnmi S1JOrts 3, 4. "Dave" ... Sports car enthusiast.. Favorite dish-freshmen girls ... Took biology as a senior to be sure and meet some .. Day hop who spends free afternoons on the golf course.. The gentle- man prefers blondes ... Knows how to cut drill and get away with it .. Beach parties are his summer recreation. HELEN BUFFINGTON GEORGE Mathematics - Education Phi Alpha Mil (Co-Social Chairman 2, Treasurer 3); Argonauts 3,4; Le Cercle Francais 1; intramural Sports 1, 2, 3; Junior Follies (Co-Choreographer); S.E.A. 4; F.A.C. 4; ALOHA 4. "George" .. Quiet smile and twinkling eyes Seen in a red and blue jacket .. A talented treasurer ... "Have you seen Pall I?" . Follies choreographer Started studying for Spicer's gradu- ate records in September ... Efficiency plus ... Known to have worn bedroom slippers to bed . Hair is redder this year Cave-dweller. JAMES RUSSELL GIBSON History Gamma. Bela Chi (President 4); I.F.C. 3, 4 (President 4); College Players 3, 4; Soccer 2, 3, 4; F.A.C. 4; S.C.A. 1, 2, 4 (T1"C!lsurer2); Lntrumnral: Sports 2, 3, 4; Who's Who. "Gibby" ... Only Headwaiter who is never seen ill. the Dining Hall ... Card shcffler personified ... 'Til be cI----d if I will walk the baby when I'm married, that's the wife's job!" ... Seen smok- ing pipe without tobacco .. Roomed with "Gus-Gus" for 4 years . Loved K.P. at Summer Camp .. Supporter of traffic court.
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