Page 40 - YB1960
P. 40
-' THOr>.'IAS LESLIE DARK Math Wesfmillster Fellowship 4 (Treasurer 4). "Tom" . Transferred to Western Maryland from Monmouth College in New Jersey ... Liked his senior year taste of dormitory living. "How you doing?" . Love that green bomb ... Con- sidered majoring in pool but gave it up for Dr. Spicer's math . Cider anyone? NOR~'IAN WINFRED DAVIS Biology Counno Beta Chi; Soccer 2, 3, 4; Intramural Sports 1, 2, 3, 4; S.C.A. 1,2; M.S.M. 1, 2, 3; Wesleyolls 1, 2, .3, 4; Class President 1,2,3; S,C.A. 1, 2, 3, 4 (President. 4); l nnior Follies; Student Life Ccuncil S, 4; Student Leadership Conference 3, 4; Beta Bela Beta 2,3,4 (Treasurer 3); FAG. 2,4; R.o.A. 4; Debating SOciety 4; Who's Who. "Norm" . "Wanta go to Helen's?" ... Oil a memorable night used a sudsy hair tonic. Owner of a loyal, little red Nash .. Cherishes different ideas-and alarm clocks! ... "J've only got five meetings today.". . Has decided to marry one member of his "Big Ten" harem . Champagne [or anniversaries, birthdays, and engagements . Cool, calm, collected individualist . "Listen, woman." CAROL VIRGINIA DIXON English - Education Phi Alpha Mu (S.C.A. Represe1ltative3); S.C.A. Closs Representa- tive 4 (Secrel(lry4); Argo/lOuts 3, 4 (Secretary 4); Delta Omicron 2,3 (Secretary-Treasurer 2, 3); Le Cercle Francais 1, 2; Women's Ciee Club 1, 2; SEA. 3, 4; lunior Follies (Music Chairmall); ALOHA (Associate Editor); Who's Who. "Peddy" . Coined her nickname in fresh year. . Often seen looking at third finger, left band . . Surprised herself by liking practice teaching. Fond of afternoon naps .. Noted for organi- zation. . Lives for visits from a Maryland grad ... Capable note taker and song writer ... Marching to a wedding strain after leaving the Hill ... Cave-dweller.
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