Page 136 - YB1960
P. 136
WOMEN'S GLEE CLUB MEN'S GLEE CLUB The singing for enjoyment of all types of The Men's Glee Club is composed of men music: is the primary purpose of the 'Nomen's interested in having fun and enjoying fellow- Glee Club. ship through singing. It meets on Monday The group was started in 1926 and at the afternoons, and under the direction of Mr. present time is under the directorship of Miss Oliver Spangler sings everything from Barber- Margaret Weppler. Membership totals forty- shop to Bach. The Glee Club often takes trips five and is open to nil those who are interested to religious and civic affairs to lend its ability and willing to contribute their enthusiastic to the occasion. Joining with the college voices. octette, it sang for a group in Hampstead this Throughout the year they were active in pre- Christmas in addition to several other engage- senting a program for the A.A.V.W. of West- ments. Membership is open to all, and re- minster, singing in ,1 combined effort with the member, ,:'If you're too busy to sing, you're Men's Glee Club of Mount St. Mary's, and too busy. offering the Christmas program and the an- nual secular spring progmrn. Mirtnm Caskill served as president of this organization.
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