Page 134 - YB1960
P. 134
II A A Pi Alpha Alpha Officers FIRST SEMESTEH OFFICERS President _ ..Douglas Smith Treasurer ..__. .. ..Cleveland Bateman Vice President .. Donald Hester Chap/oil] ... _.. ...... Don Lowe Recording Secretary. _ _ Alan Katz Sergeolil-af-arms Brady Roberts Corresponding Secretary LaVern Johnson To the harmony of barbershop singing, Pi The Black and Whites strove hard to main- Alpha Alpha successfully began its activities tain a spirit of fellowship and a society of for the yein by sponsoring an "Evening of well-rounded men equipped to meet the Barbershop" early in the fall. Prominent also responsibilities of life throughout the year. At in its fall activities was hard work on a display Christmas, they held a party with their sister for Homecoming, which placed third in the sorority, Sigma Sigma Tau, and on several judging, and a float in the parade. The occasions during the year turned their voices fraternity added color to many a smiling face to serenade the Sigmas. by providing mums for sale during the day. Fourteen young men donned the black and white colors as they pledged Pi Alpha Alpha. During the Hell Week activities they formed the Black and White symphony and for Hell missions created the usual disturbance in the quiet town of Westminster. Following this initiation these men deservingly attained full membership into the fraternity.
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