Page 141 - YB1960
P. 141
Formerly the Future Teachers of America, Mury Catherine McCormick, who is serving the Student Educatfon Association changed its I'vI.A.F.T.A. as secretary. The club is also name at the April, 1959, meeting along with honored to have Joyce Turner, and Patricia the other state college groups. This W;IS done Welk ,IS members of committees of M.A.F.T.A. to differentiate between the high school and The S.E.A. often invites guest speakers to the college organizations. The S.E.A. at the meetings, prominent among who are the w.rvl.c. boast eighty-nine members, making it returning student teachers. The discussions of one of the largest in the state. the experiences during student teaching are The western Maryland chapter has always often a highlight of the year. been very active and particularly well repre- The sponsor of the S.E.A. is Dr. Joseph sented on the state and nationnl levels. Pre- Bailer. This year's president was Thomas viously, a club member has been third vice Ward, while the other officers included: Pat- president in the National Education Assccta- ricia Welk, vice president; Harriet Whitmore, tton. This year, the club points with pride to secretary; Douglas Smith, treasurer; Richard Edna Bent, a freshman at 'vV.i\II.C., who is the Hastings and Geneva J\llorris, co-program -- first vice president of the Maryland Associa- chairmen tion of Future Teachers of America and to . Plensenote! The bulletin board i.';1 vital ,lid" .(" C f~ U W;. ,- L I B S ~- 137
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