Page 135 - YB1960
P. 135
Fronl roto, left to riglit: \\1. Crockett, R. Wells, L. Johnson, C. Bateman, D. Smith, D. Hester, D. Lowe, J. Mcjoluhan, T. \Vard, C"ptain Adams. Second rowr J. worden, It Poore, R. Harris, R. Moss, H. Hastings, J. Hey- nolds. Third rO!v: Dr. Makosky, J. Brehm, C. Rllnkles, R. Stonesifer, H. Hnmberger, E. i\bkosky. Fourl" m.o: B. Ro?erts, C. Snyder, A. Katz, ]. ~tidper, J. ~ei\ley, D. Rice, S. Sharkey. Fifth rous, C. Cohen, N. Bcrigtold, K. Reifsuicler, \\1. wntts, J. Grove, S. Michael, S. Emhorn The highlight of the yem was the sponsoring of the May Day dance, an important social function of the college in addition to pnrttcipa, tion in the May Day festivities. Later in the spring the Sigma Sigma Tau-Pi Alpha Alpha picnic, an annual event, took place. Again the Black and Whites won the Frank B. Hurt scholarship cup, a distinction which the fra- ternity has held for several years. This cup is given to the Fraternity which has the highest scholastic average for the past year The co-sponsors of the fraternity -are Dr. John Makosky and Dr. Reuben Holthaus, 131
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