Page 113 - YB1960
P. 113
Each spring, when the time finally rolls book? Organization write-ups. captions around to the dedication of the yearbook, the page plans weekly Wednesday night meet- prou~ ALOHA staff sits back with gleaming eyes ings ... and that inevitable deadline staring and fondly looks upon their work of art. The you in the face .. Afternoon sessions turned ALOHA staff of 1960 is by Far no exception, fOJ into late nigbts and late nights turned into bound within the covers of this book is a story early mornings; the work continued. The last of a college, .. a stafF ... and the time and minute rush turned into confusion. con- efforts which they put into making four years fusion into panic and then the of memones-,n reality. DEADLINE! The work begins in the spring of the juniCi The first deadline was made and the second year, immediately following the election of the fe~l right into step. Another routine began WIth more page plans. with cropping pic- C~:\~~r-i:;-~~~6 ~~~:~~eb~.;.:~~;sCa;,~:~~ehol:n;~ tures once . and then once again just to handle the respective positions. make sure or because someone goofed! Miss Pre-planning meetings were set up, ro-d Wiukelmnn kept in close touch to make sure amidst discussion of themes and various idem, that plans were running smoothly and to cffei an attempt was made to visualize the rather her able assistance and advice. far-fetched dream of the finished product. In Finally the last deadline was met. The work the fall, Bob, with a rather worried look, completed, Mary Cay, l3ob, and their staH, searched Iranticnlly for a budget to encompass wearily gave a sigh of relief, and settled back a 10,000 dollar production, and Mary Cay to await the dedication assembly. made her 'lssignmcnts. The intensive work A memory.. an idea . a plan 'In began. organization of creative thought and mgenurry p Pictures, pictures, pictures. . how could . at las\"~a reality Tl[E 1960 ALOHA. an of them ever fit into a bound copy of any U B L I C A "Just think, I3ob- T only 10,000 mere togo!" I o N S
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