Page 109 - YB1960
P. 109
NEWMAN CLUB The Newman Club, a national Catho- lie organization for college students, be- came federated in 1958. Its primary purpose is to provide worthwhile fellow- ship among Catholic students at W.J'I'I.C. The programs included activities of a religious, educational and social nature. Meetings were held twice a month con- sisting of informal discussions open to the campus community, guest speakers, and talks by the club advisor, Father Edmond Stroup of St. John's Church. This year's officers were: George Becker, president; Ann Weller, vice president; William Sitter, treasure! and .1 ill Brown, S.C.A. represcnr.mvs. 'Mark16:15 Give diligence to present unto God, II- workman thai aehomed, {wndling aright the J I 'rima"!!y 2:15 METHODIST STUDENT MOVEMENT The l\'lethodist Student Movement worb to promote Christian worship, fellowship and ideals among the Methodist students and M- tempts to provide an opportunity for the study of Christianity in the light of Methodist beliefs. This year the group held a Christmas party for underprivileged children, attended area retreats and sponsored a ~qunre dance. Also it had the annual "Christmas Meditation" and provided interesting speakers for the meetings. The group's sponsor W,lS Or. E,1I"1 Griswold and the officers were: president, Mina Kirby; vice president, M,llirice Arsenault, secretary, Elizabeth Butler; and treasurer, Henry So. 105
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