Page 110 - YB1960
P. 110
Lord, what u;ilt thou {woe me to do? At;l.~9:6 ',eft /(J right: W, Walls, E. While, E. Deckert. SUNDAY FELLqWSHIP WESTMINSTER FELLOWSHIP The Sunday Fellowship is a non-denomina- The westminster Fellowship is a small and tional group of students preparing for various loyal group of Presbyterian students. Of recent walks of life, but having in C0111mon the origin, 1955, the club membership has now motion of Christian experience. The grown to fourteen, and, of course, they are meets on Sunday morning and holds still looking for new members. As with ,my discussions. religious organization, the function of the club Officers for the year were: president, Warren is to provide fellowship and union in worship watts, vice president, Ester Deckert; secre, for students with similar spirtuul interests. tary, Eleanor \Nhite; treasurer, Paul Grant; This group meets every other weduesclav publications, Judith Tye. The sponsor of the night in the lounge of Baker Memorial Chapel. group is Dr. Charles Crain. The club's activities include cont!nued support of the recently formed Presbyterian Church in Westminster, cooperation during Religious Emphasis Week, skating parties, and the "fcl- lowship provided by the meetings, which often There/ore, 'IIllj beloved brethren, include guest speakers. be steadfast, immovllble, alwaljs The sponsors of Westminster Fellowship abounding ill the work of the ru-e Reverend John Thompson and Reverend Lord, knowing awl in the Lord James Tally. The president was Martha Wood- yOIl'f labor is not in cain. ward, the viee president Dark, and the secretary, Louise treasurer. and Styebe, Thomas I Corilli.l/ia/'ls 1.'5:58 Front row, left to right.: ;>.ยท1 ward, L. Styche. Sccoud row: \\'heder, N. Turner, B. Saller, Moon, J. Springer, S. Dcltun, Whitmore.
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