Page 198 - YB1959_Classical
P. 198
"Hail thou that art highly favored, the Lord is with thee." The final night on the "Hill," before taking leave for the holidays, began with a fraternity party, and was followed by a dormitory party for girls. This was the beginning of a long night's vigil for those who had reached the status of senior. What began as a lively group of night-watchers, was by 3:00 a. m. taking on all aspects of a slumber party. Some man- aged to survive the night without succumbing to the demands of sleep, and these were wider awake for the wee hours of the morning than their "rested" friends. Wake-up cocoa and donuts were served by ambitious juniors be- fore seniors embarked on a long cold journey. Dotted lights glowing throughout Westminster gave indication that their lusty voices were heard. Returning to campus, "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" rang out before day-break from the quadrangle between the boys' dorms. The songsters then invaded the dining hall to J await and entertain underclassmen attending "Go and search diligently for the young child." "Glory to God in the highest."
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