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college choir The CoUege Choir, augmented its member- deLong, the choir presented its annual Christ- ship in preparation for its largest and m~st mas program in conjunction with the Dramatic successful endeavor of the college year, Its ~rt department. The musical. segment con- January 18 performance with ~le Baltimore sisted of several of the more unfamiliar Christ- Symphony Orchestra at the LY~lC T.hea~er. It 1l1'~S carols climaxed by the traditional }/alle- was "Rodgers and Hnmmcrstein .Night au? IUllIhChol'lIs. the program included many fam~ar composI- The choir anxiously anticipated the dedica- tions. Herbert Crossrmw, past director of the tion of the new ~olle&e chapel by preparing NBC Symphony Orchestra and an authority on anthems appropriate for the occasion. They the two composers, conducted. A quartet of maintained their weekly appearance each Sun- professional soloists was also featl~red ". Th.e day evening in the Chapel services providing program was well received and reviews indi- soloists and group anthems. The year termi- cated that the choir maintained its high stand- nated with participation in the annual Bacca- laureate and Commencement services. ard of perf ormance. Under the direction of Professor Alfred
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