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P. 147
The first reading of the Thanksgiving plny. college players The College Players are organized around a As in other years, the settings were designed belief in the truth which can be found in the by Mrs. Joy Winfrey. They were executed this theatre and which can be recreated through year by Marlin Haser. the head and heart on the stage. Behind each The department extends a continuous serv- production are the tireless efforts of Miss ice to the campus by Furnishing ersatz grass Esther Smith, whose talents as a teacher of and lights for dances, and advice and make-up dramatic art have been recognized year after For productions outside of the Players' group. year, and have endeared her to her students. The College Players would agree with Sa- This year the College Players presented four royan that "the secret of the theatre is major productions; a three-act fall play, Limn love that without it, pain is only pain . O'Brien's The Remorkable Mr. Pennypacker; but that with love, there is both beauty and three one-act junior plays in March, and an- meaning-both on the stage, and in their lives." other three-act commencement play. In con- In the warmth of Miss Smith's studio, we re- junction with the college choir, the department ceived an inspiration and a challenge that will presented a Christmas program, TIle Hearl last long after college days are over. Q'Mary, a miracle pluy by George M. P. Baird
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