Page 151 - YB1958a
P. 151
Ftrst roso, left 10 right: 1. Mcl-.bhan, A. Brown, J. Manning, D. Smith, H. /I'JcConllick, D. Lowe, \V. Biehl. Second row; Mr. Oliver Spangler, D. Beckerman, R. Harris, D. D'Angelo, C. Giberson, S. Callender. Acconnmnist, Miss Dorothy Muthius. men's glee club women's glee club A singing engagement in Baltimore, a pro- The Women's Clee Club, under the directi?~ gram of sacred music for a Sunday Chapel of Mr. Alfred deLong, presented three rnnjor Service, and visits to local churches highlighted programs this year. The first was a Christmas the year's activities for tue Men's Glee Club. Cantata sling for the AAU\V.The Stabal. Mater Consisting of male members of the camplls was sung in the spring and later an assem- who like to sing, the Glee Club, under the bly program featuring secular music was direction of Mr. Oliver Spangler, was organ- presented. ized for its fifth year.
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