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Fn(';OEf1ICK CALDWELL RAUSel! SA.\IUEL \VHEELEII REED J'\~I£S ELI.SWOHTII RET(';II Ba!timore, Murvlund \Vilmington, Delaware Glyndon. Maryland Economics I-li8lory Economics I'i Alpha Alpha 2, 3, 4 (Sergeallt. CItISS President 2, 3, 4; S.C.A. I'i Alpha Alpha 2, 3, 4 (Sec. 3); (It_arms 4, vice-President 4). Treasurer 2, 3; Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4 tntmmurai Sports 3, 4, (All Soutliem and 'Middle Atlantic Fred Part of Heter-Hausch part- 3,4); Tennis 1, 2, 3, 4 (Cl/Illaill 3, Jim Anchor man for Black and nership in Economics class 4, Most vatuable Athlete 3); P.A.C. Whites-especially during football Navy nU\I1 for Hve yellrs Second 2, 3, 4 t Co-cliairnian 3); Choir 1, season "Boy, am I stiff!" . oldest 111an in Pi Alpha Alpha. 2,3; Gamma Belli ct« 2,3,4 (Pas- "Don't think I'll make it to class Father confessor for certain sorority sion Bwmy 3, 4); [unior Follies; tomorrow" . Decided to (juit sisters Hcd Dodge convertible Who's Who. commuting so he could caper some Future insurance executive on the c,lmpus . . , Second home Specin!izes in original economic Sam "Governor" "[ never culled Vetville. . Has a bug theories, Cmdnntod from Albert go out with the same girl twice" . for dancing . , . Olvndou's most Norman Ward to Verville. One arm fiddler , Mountain available bachelor-after graduate climber and forest nrc fighter. school. that is. Swings a wicked paddle ... Took Fort Meade singlehanded, poison ivy and al!. Sits with girls at meals in order to get more food Staunch supporter of Sons of the Confederate veterans and Gamm:l Beta Chi.
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