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JOSEPHINE ELL.EN OUTEJ\l:IlllllGl:: C,\l\OL JOANNE PAIIIIISII BE\'EIILY ANN PAIISONS Smith's Parish, Bermuda Ruxton, Maryland Berlin, Maryland Engli.<1/i; Educatiol~ Etlgli.<1/i; Edl/catiol! P;WIO Phi Alpha Mu 2, 3, 4 (Alumni Sec'y Sigma Sigma TIII,I 2, 3, 4 (luter- Phi Alphll Mu 2 ,3, 4; French Club; 4); F.TA 3, 4 (vee-Pres. 4); sorority Rep. 3); S.C.A. 2, 3, 4 Choir 1, 2 (Dctette 2); Glee C/1Ib ALOHA 4 (Literary Ed. 4); Jr. (Sec'y 3, Vice-Pres. 4); S.C.A. 1,2, 1,2,3,4; Homecolllillg Court 1; Jr. Follies. 3, 4 (Cabillet 2, 3); Class Vice- Follies Pres. 1; Choir 1, 2, 3, 4 (Octette 2, Jo-Ellen . A Makosky gal and 3,4); Orchestra 1, 2; Argoll/wls 3, Bev .. One of the Sykesville 5 Bailer protegee ... Just loved edu- 4; Trumpeter, \Vho's \Vho. plus 5 from isolation "Botti" cation! ... One of the Sykesville .. A pooped out music major. five plus five from isolation . Jo. "\Vake me up for break- Jr. Follies keyboard. Oh, those "Frankly, she doesn't impress me fast!" . Had personal alarm clock Wednesday nights! ... Only 210 one way or the other" Oh, those for 4 years-the kind you can't turn more clays! Been starving since Bermudian summers! "Pass the off! .. At end of sophomore year Freshman year .. week-day stu- lemons and salt please" .. Seen dropped plumbing and majored in dent. Refugee from tile Eustern at midnight stuffing paper in rut- English ... "Meeting? Whnr meet- Shore .. Fell over a Cliff. tling windows . . . An energetic ing?" June to September-Girl redhead who just loves to change Scout Camp, September to June- the room around. Public Relations Office for the Girl Scouts. . "Shed, how do you spell ___ ?,'. . Staunch supporter of clean-up committees! . . . Cuts everybody's hair but her own-hers falls out!
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