Page 44 - YB1957a
P. 44
RALPH I\[IOIAEL MAIITl:".'ELL HAnOLD HOIII,,"SON MCCLAY \Vestminster, Maryland Sykesville. Mnrylnnd Hollywood, Maryland Htstorq, Education Public School Mllsic Phi/osvpll!!; Religion Delta Pi Alpha 2, 3, 4; Carroll Club PId Alpha Mil 2, 3, 4; Choir I, 2, Delta Pi Alpha 2, 3, 4 (Gamma 2, 3, 4; F.T.A. 3, " (Treasurer 4); 3,4 (Gclette I, 2); F.A.C. 2, 3, 4 3,4); S.C.A. 4; ALOHA; F.A.C. " Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball L, 2, (Co-clwimulli 3); Girls' Glee cuu. (co-clmirm(m); Wesfeyalls 1,2; /;1_ 3,4; Baseball 3; l.H.C.; tntnnuuml 1, 2, 3, 4; F.T.A. 3, " (Sec'y 4); trumural Sports 1, 2, 3, 4; Alpha Softball 2, 4. French Club 1, 2; Jr. Follies. Kappa Alpha 2, 3, 4; Jr. Follies. Dusty. Only real vet in Verville Four year roommate pluu, but look "Mnc" .. Ern-ned title of "Flying . Jim Boyer's best friend. another during the summer of '56 Parson" in his senior year on fra- Could be world's greatest athlete if A member of the Sykesville 5 terllity foutball team. . Proud it wasn't for injury jinx .. Dr. plus 5 from isolation . A loyal owner of the "BIlle Beetle" .. whttficld's personal athletic adviser supporter of Uncle Sam's air mail "Hey, jI,'!ac, can 1 borrow your car?" ... Revolutionized teaching meth- (male) .. Always seen coming ... qne of the vanishing nice of ods at Skyesville .. Only swears From, going to, or in the music hall loyal followers of the Hedskins . when irritated-always irritated "Avon, Avon" . Has been Small on talk but strong on smarts. Once seen as a "rondrunner't-dtnl- seen doing the Nymph Dance ian version "We'[l flornp 'em "Oh, I haven't written my letter this week" .. Coast Guard Vel- yet". There's nobody like Papa got seasick on Staten bland ferry de Long. Known to disagree with "'Ferg" Oil occasion. 40
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