Page 45 - YB1957a
P. 45
"..t u.oneu ANN McDoNALD Lenov DONALD ~IC\V1LLlA)'IS D ..cvm \VlLF1IED '\IEllEDITIl L'lVaie, Maryland Culton's Point, Maryland Cambridge, Maryland HOllie Economics Arl; Edllc(ltion Ellglish; Education. Delta Sigma Kappa 2, 3, 4 (Ser- Alpha Gamma T(/II 2, 3, 4 (Chap- GauJIIIl! Beta Chi 3, 4; ALOHA; geant-at-Arms 2, Tr8(1S. 3, [nler- [ain 3); Cauterbnnj Club 1,2,3,4 F.T.A. 4; French Club 3, 4; Argo- sororily Rep. 4, Chaplain 4); S.C.A. (Pres/(feIl13); French Club 1,2,3, ncuts Ai ]r. Follies. 1,2,3,4; Home Economics Club 1, 4 (Treasurer 3); Mell's Glee Club 2,3,4; Argo/l{wts 3, 4; Sunday Fel- 1,2,3,4; Cicsstcs Club 1,2,3; Tri- Dave. Descendent of Hoopers lowship 1,2 (Sec'y-Treas. 2); Tri- eeiĀ« I, 2, 3, 4; ALOHA. Island ... Veteran of Old Ward Beta 2, 3, 4; F.T.A. 4; M.S.A1. 1, .. Transferred from Salisbury State 2,3,4. Mnc ... The revolutionist who Teachers in junior year-so much painted the Bachelor club room the better for the Hill. . "Crent Millie .. Fugitive from Alleghenies brown. Been known to draw Scott!" ... Likes early morning ... One leg shorter than the other .. cartoons dllring education class. coffee and cards. Riddle quoter Haunts Home Ec. department Member of the old "8,11: Chamber . Loves rhyming Looks sharp Girl of many talents Best cook Cang" ... Most notorious chaplain in all brown ... Has that easy- on campus .. Enjoys sleeping und in Bachelor history. . "Awrk=the going manner that's so easy to have eating "Are there uny single Raven Nevermore or Never again" around ... Kept his light under a rooms on First?" One of tile . Attended M.S.T.A. convention barrel until his senior year when he bJidge m'ljors .. Frustrated soli- at Park Plnzn Bar. surprised all with his artistic ability. taire player. . Favorite song is "Home, Sweet House" .. Acci- dentally intelligent. 41
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