Page 189 - YB1957a
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Simon. Marl;'""etAn,,~4303Thocn"j),,leSt_. Chev)' Chan" 15. Md. Skinner. Lynnd" Lee--------62~Yarmouth lld .. Towson _I.M(I Small. Patrici"Ann~234W.SeventhSt .. Wayn""horo. p" Smith, Lyn(lcll lIon,l~Rox 372!l. Bond Mill R,L. Laurel Md Smith, MnryJo"nne--Sudlenoville. Md. Smyth, PH~rici.. Ann~500 Mor"..n Ave.• Palm)·r~. N. J Snider. l)Qrothy Ann~4203 72 Ave.. Landover HUb. Md Sny,lcr. Roberta F:llen~5003Sprin"h.keW"y, Baltimore 12. Md. S"enke.BcatriceL_1201E.!l ..ymondAve" Indian Head, M,I Stein ..cher.Toni~llox480. !loute 14. Carroll III'n(ll(d. Steinacher, Toni~n.,x 480. Route 14. Carroll 1_la11<1!ld., U..ltimore20. Md. Ste,·ens. Harriet EI"ine-4702 Kernwood Ave.. B..ltimore 12, Md S"lli""n. June LIlrue--Rollte4. Westminster, Md Summer_•. Elinor Forr ...t-421 N_ Main St.. Hoonshom. Md. S"therl~nd. Jane~ Louise--R. D. 3. Box 18. !leI Air. Md Taylor. Elcnnor FRye--523 Vfliley View Rd.. Towoon 4. Md Thompson. Sara Anne--51S Wilton Rd" Tow.on t. Md. Thorn. Nancy Jane-oM Yflrmouth Rd.. Tow.on 4, Md Thorney. Mnry Jane-I04 Third Ave" U..ltimore 27. Md Sch~cfer, Joan M"ry~4iI20 Liber~y Hei""hts Ave" Todd, AlioeJane-Liberty Heights. Federal.burg. Md B"ltimore7.Md Tomlinson. Mary IlnFlr~m~51 Union St.. Medford. N. J SC~~i8%'o~en~~i.c~d~"1l~15N. Arlinl;'tot\ Ave.. Trabucco, Joanne Marie--~303 Va'num St .. Blfldensburl;', Mel Tr"~e. Lonna Lee-201 N. Ch"rch St.. Wayn ...boro. p" Schedcr, Marian Thcr""a~ll~ Enficlrl R(1..Baltimore 12. M(l Traver. Virgin in Jo"eph;'\e--II W. Pot.omacSt.. Schillaci. Beverly R""e--4A North.hip Rd_. William.port. Md. WESTMINSTER COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO., INC. COMPLIMENTS OF WM. F. MYERS' SONS, * INCORPORATED Meat and Meat Products Only the Best Quality MEATS MEAT PACKERS SINCE 1897 WESTMINSTER. MD. * TlLDEN 8-8710
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