Page 185 - YB1957a
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ROSTER OF WOMEN STUDENTS Acree. Anne France._40Q9 ~'o"rth St.. Baltimore 20. Md. Bonrdlel·. Nancl' Hoyle---4219 F.a5(,·iew Rd.. A'\~.:ft~~~r~I~~:e~~!Klementyna-332 S. Patter.,)!\ Park Ave.. Unsworth. Beverly June---211S Dawson Av".. SilverS"ring.Md. Allder.on, Carole Lo",nine-172 W""t Lake 0,' .• ROllck.Erma Gail_40 Secon,1 Ave.. Maley PHk. Bay Itidge. Md. Clen tiu,·nie. Md Andenlo". J""nnene Loui.e---Hl:l U,·..""ide R,I.. Bourdon. Naomi Mne---ii501Brook Ave.. Bnltimo,.., ii. M,I tialtimore29. M,1. Braecklein. Audrey Elaine---Tmnquillity Msnoo'. Monkton, Mol A,,"teeth_I06 Newburg Ave.. B.,,~eghin. J",,"ie The",.,,-Airrnont Acr"". SulTern, N. Y Baltimore 28, Md !Jean. Barbara Benrd-Dnvid"on. Md. Carlson. Aleatha Arbaullh (M",.)_22 Gi.t Hd" Be..n. Agne~Cecejia_Califor1\ia. Md Westminoter,Md Beatty. Virginia Lois_20 W""t 12th St., Fr<>rin",.Md. III"ir, Dorothy Jeanne-15 We.tfiehl Rd.. Ardmore. Pa. Clernmitt. AnneChristine----5308WesleyAve .. Bl"ir, Patricia Ann-S70~ WOOdridgeRd.. Baltimore 29, Md. B..ltimore7. Md. Ul"ir."e Joy-3807 Creenway, Baltimore 18. Mil Cline, Jean Eli:utbeth-708 Rosemere 5t.. Silver Sprin>f. Md Board. Jurlith M"rilyn_405 Upper Blvd., Ri,lgewood. N. J. Conover. M",garet Ja,'ne-426 S. Sho"" Hd.. Abs<>con.N. J Board. ShRron "laine-405 Upper Ulvd., Ridgewood. N. J. Cook. Joyce Ruth-303 Orchard Rd.. Carland, [Joardm..n. Helen 1... bel_190r, S. Xavier St .. Denver 19. Col. Glen Burnie. Mol UOggs.Barbam Cnrolyn-Waterloo Rd., Ellicott City. Md, Cooksey. Janet Bone (Mr •. )_Trenton Mill Hd., UPPerco. Md Bond. Katherine Elh ..betn_20S Coodwood Gardens. Cooper. Patricia Alic.,_,107 N. Camp Meade Rd.. Il~ltimo'.., 10. Md Lintnicum Heights. Md. Bordell's Compliments ICE CREAM If it's Borden's - - - of it's GOT to be good DUN'S TV & APPLlANU~S Westminster Shoe Co. BALTIMORE BOULEVAKD \VESn.lINSTER, MARYLAND Westminster, Maryland PHILCO Refrigerators. Electric Ranges Bendix Washers & Television SUES SERVICE TILDEN 8-6622
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